Alexandra Hills AFC
powered by TidyHQAUSKICK 2019
Hi !
You've made the first steps into an exciting and rewarding sport for you child.
Alexandra Hills is pleased to welcome Griffin Golding to the club to coach Auskick for the 2018 season.
The NAB AFL Auskick program makes learning to play AFL fun, safe and easy for boys and girls. Through weekly coaching sessions they will learn the skills of the game in an exciting, social and safe environment. The AFL Auskick program has centres that operate all over the country.
Children will learn the fundamental motor skills vital for future physical activity and sport participation as well as learning how to interact with other children as part of a team in small group activities.
The program also provides a great opportunity for parents to interact with their kids through the activities, have the opportunity to make new friends, learn about the game and spend quality time with their children.
For more information see
To regisiter with the club click AUSKICK in the registrations drop down menu.
So give it go it's lots of fun